Two-colored icons showing both ability type and action point cost Fixed wrong color for free reloads and added charge indicator (like "Free Reload" mod) Brighter default colors to better match X-COM color palette Fixed wrong color for abilities with extra confirmation dialog (hacking, skulljacking) Colors configurable via /steamapps/workshop/content/268500/651306416/Config/XComCostBasedAbilit圜olors.ini King of Hell for helping me with stability testing sernik for the interesting discussions and for fixing compatibility issues between our mods in lightning speed People with red-green-blindness seem to have problems to distinguish green from yellow, so you can set the free action color to white by changing Abilit圜ostColor_FreeAction="ffffff".įree Reload (actually this mod is now unnecessary, because my mod contains the same functionality, see the screenshots) If you have problems distinguishing colors, you can change them here: /steamapps/workshop/content/268500/651306416/Config/XComCostBasedAbilit圜olors.ini The same also applies for any other mod adding abilities. If you are getting wrong colors, feel free to post the corresponding ini override settings, so I can put them here or into the mod's default config. I haven't tested this mod for DLC abilities because I don't have the DLC and I'm not planning to buy it (yet). Yellow = using ability will end unit's turn (like a "yellow move") It changes the default ability icon colors to reflect their action point cost, so you can see in a glance which actions will end your turn and which won't.īlue = using ability will not end unit's turn (like a "blue move") If you sometimes simply forget to use single-AP abilities like aid protocol, quickdraw or reload before shooting, this mod is for you.