Cavalier and warpriest both seem apt for a game about joining a crusade, and cavaliers get to try the new mounted combat system. Bloodrager is a popular choice-a barbarian with supernatural powers based on their bloodline.

Which is why, if you're having trouble choosing between the 25 (!) base classes, it's worth narrowing it down to those good at going toe-to-toe. Hours later you accrue a selection of frontline fighters to choose from, but even then you'll probably end up with multiple archers competing for any magic longbows. While you do get a paladin to tank with, the rest of your party will be an archer, a spirit hunter (tough later, fragile at low levels), and then a rogue, witch, oracle, and wizard. It's not quite as rough as Kingmaker, which threw you into the tutorial with only a flimsy gnome illusionist and a halfling bard as backup, but there's still a slight bias in the companions. It's worth a heads-up that early on your party will lean toward ranged characters. UU., Si cree que existe una infracción directa de derechos de autor o marca registrada que no cumple con las pautas de "uso justo", comuníquese con nosotros directamente al contacto del desarrollador.(Image credit: Owlcat) Maybe don't be an archer

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